The IEB Library is considered today one of the richest in Brazilian subjects, approaching 250 thousand volumes, including books, offprint documents, theses, periodicals and musical scores. Among the rarities, there are works of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as well as many with dedication and sets of notes on edges. Its origin goes back to the famous Brasiliana collection by Brazilian historian Yan de Almeida Prado, bought by the University of São Paulo in 1962. Since then, by purchase or donation, the Library has incorporated new collections, kept in its unit, with their former owners’ names.
The Library also has a General Collection, consisting of donations, exchanges and purchases. The set of rare magazines also deserves highlight
The collection can be accessed through Dedalus or Eletronic Catalog.
Consultations on the collection should be scheduled by e-mail:
The service is held from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
+ 55 11 3091-3467 |