6o International Congress on Education and Accessibility in Museums


Proceedings  Programme    Contact

The 6th Edition of the International Congress on Education and Accessibility in Museums and Heritage: “Nothing about us without us” was held in São Paulo – Brazil between 27 and 29 November 2019 in the auditoriums of MAM-SP and Itaú Cultural and on November 30, a parallel program was offered with visits to museums that develop accessibility and inclusion programs in the city of São Paulo.

We counted with 250 participants with and without disabilities from different states of Brazil; as well as from other countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Spain, France, Holland and the United Kingdom.

The thematic axes of this edition were: Participation; Education, Accessibility and Human Rights and Accessibility to Historical Heritage.

The proceedings of the 6th CIEAMP were composed by the contribution of 11 speakers, 56 communicators and teams and directors of the organizing institutions, having texts from authors of various nationalities from Latin America and Europe. The result is an accessible PDF with description of all images that is available at this link.

Cover of the Proceedings of the 6º CIEAMP

The videos with interviews with some lecturers discussing themes of the congress can be accessed in the link: https://www.itaucultural.org.br/secoes/videos/profissionais-de-diferentes-paises-falam-sobre-acessibilidade-em-espacos-culturais

Organised by: IEB-USP, MAM-SP, Itaú Cultural and Permanent Committee of the International Congress on Education and Accessibility in Museums and Heritage (CIEAMP).

Scientific Directors: Almudena Domínguez, University of Zaragoza; Antonio Espinosa Ruiz, Vilamuseu; Juan García Sandoval, Museums of the Murcia Region; Viviane Sarraf,  IEB-USP; Daina Leyton, MAM-SP; Tayná Menezes and Valéria Toloi, Itaú Cultural.

Held by:

Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros – Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo

Instituto Itaú Cultural


With the support of GEPAM – Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa de Acessibilidade em Museus


Image of logo of the congress: Imagina Estudio Creativo (http://www.imaginaestudio.com/imagina/Imaginacion.html)